"A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships"
For all emergencies, please contact 911.
For non-emergency safety concerns you can call Allan Crawford - the Public Safety Ambassador: 918-596-9100 or psa@cityoftulsa.org
For abandoned items we will work as a community for these to be disposed of quickly and properly. Following the "Broken Glass" theory we will not let trash pile up and attract more trash.
Call American Waste: 918-446-0023
We are located in District 4. The current city counselor is Laura Bellis: dist4@tulsacouncil.org. She has been a big support of the GBPNA and attended our first Neighborhood Association Meeting.
Gunboat Park is 1 mile or less from seven of Tulsa's most popular restaurant, shopping, and entertainment scenes/ streets. It's two miles from Tulsa's new world-class Gathering Place $500M Park and Tulsa's finest shopping center at Utica Square. The areas are highlighted below.
Coming Soon
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know. Post it on our facebook page or send it to the link below and we'll post it for you.
We have a shared community calendar to help promote meetings, events, and support each others progress.
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